Friday, March 13, 2009

Medication for fear of flying

Welcome To medication for fear of flying

"We are dead people who are still breathing"

Our tax dollars at work: In Naim Street Beit Hanoun, at 9.30pm on Sunday, Samieh Kaferna , 40, was hit by flying shrapnel to his head. Neighbours called him to come to their home. Fearing his home would be struck, he and a group of relatives began to move from one home to another, to be safer. The s...

Read the full post from The Distant Ocean

via Blogdigger blog search for medication for fear of flying.

Wow, what can I say? I was all scared and ego-crushed thinking no one would have any questions to ask me. This is so long, I think that I developed carpal tunnel syndrome in one sitting from typing it all out. Since this is so freaking long, I haven't done one in a long time and just because I wuv y ... Ad - 2GB memory*, 160GB* hard drive, DVD player and 19 flat panel monitor

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medication for fear of flying


1 comment:

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